
Since we opened Toberona Stables nearly 25 years ago, our policy has been to continuously invest in the best facilitates for our horses to provide the best opportunity for success for our owners. In 2023, we undertook a major upgrade of the facilities with the completion of a new 8 furlong sand gallop and upgrade of the indoor schooling. This investment provides an excellent platform for continued growth and success. 

  • Horse Walkers & Paddocks

    The horses benefit from two horse walkers, which are used extensively throughout the year to keep the horses loose and limber. They are regularly turned out on the paddocks to enjoy a roll which surround the stable area.

  • Schooling Facilities

    Toberona has extensive schooling facilities for the horses ranging from baby hurdles and fences to fully specified racecourse standard hurdles and fences. All the obstacles are built to be very inviting to the horse and to encourage them to jump them well and enthusiastically.

  • Gallops

    At Toberona we have two gallops, an 8 furlong sand gallop which has a gradual incline and a circular 4 furlong sand gallop. By combining these different gallops we accommodate training plans for every horse from early stamina work to full race day preparations.

  • Indoor School

    The Indoor Horse Trainer school assists us with the schooling for horses all year round. Throughout the winter we engage all horses due to run on the track over both Hurdles and Fences in extensive schooling in the facility.

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